Tonight, we had a softball game. Last week was my first organized base/softball game in quite a few years, and I did fine. I played RCF (Right-Center Field) and went 1-3 with an infield hit and a run scored. This week, I had experience. Plus also, there was another variable.
I saw the hottest chick I have ever seen.
Now, when I say that, I probably don’t mean it literally. You know when you meet a girl, and she’s so strikingly beautiful that you think “Wow, this is the hottest chick I’ve ever seen”? That happened. She was wearing one of our team’s shirts and sitting behind me on the bleachers. I turned around to introduce myself, and noticed her ridiculous attractiveness. I tried, as men do, to keep it cool and not totally wig out. I think I did a decent job. We conversed a bit, but not enough for me to really learn anything of consequence about her, including whether or not she has a boyfriend (or girlfriend?). There wasn’t a lot of time to talk, as we had a game to win. She hit behind me,
- Ray (the 45ish skinny athletic guy)
- Nick (tall French guy, bearded)
- Sunny (the short, stout, very good softball playing female)
- Jack (my friend who brought me to this team)
- Me (me)
- Maria (The Most Beautiful Girl In The Room)
- Glen (A guy I knew already, bearded)
- Jackie (of the visibly softball-playing variety)
- Chris (Manager, probably 35 or so)
- I can’t remember the rest of the order
so we had a couple of “moments”, including her hitting a double while I was on first. I went 3-4 (I’m the only left-handed hitter on the team, by the by), drove in 2 runs and scored once. I was pleased. Oh yeah, and we won 13-8. For great justice.
Softball is such a fun experience already, but throwing the Most Beautiful Girl In The Room in there made it absolutely fantastic. I hope to see her next week. She probably has a boyfriend, as hot chicks are wont to do, but there’s a glimmer of hope.
Of course, I feel like a 14-years-old girl for even thinking about it this much. I should go fix a car or work with some wood or something.
I bet when she’s on the street (depending on the street) she’s definitely in the top 3.
- Mike “Obviously Obsessed With Flight of the Conchords” Lee-Thompson
Post Scriptum: This kind of thing (the “meeting a girl, and she’s so strikingly beautiful that you think ‘Wow, this is the hottest chick I’ve ever seen’”) has happened 3 or 4 times in my life, and this is the second time it has happened with a girl named Maria. Weird.
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